"Mar'at al-Aroos": New Recitation

مرأۃ العروس:نئی قرأت


  • Dr Majid Mushtaq Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, Govt. College University, Faisalabad Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Awais Saleemi Assistant Controller of Examinations, Govt. College University, Faisalabad. Author
  • Muhammad Asif Research Scholar, Govt. College University, Faisalabad. Author


Acceptance, Collective Conscious, Social Values, Fable, Preface, Immortal, Mar'at al-Aroos, Deputy Nazir Ahmad


“Mar'at al-Aroos” is an important novel of Urdu. Most of the critics declared it the first novel of Urdu literature. It is also important for the educational and social development of women. Deputy Nazir Ahmad, the writer of this novel, is known as the first writer to have the aptitude to improve the lives of women. This novel having great morals played a vital role in the case. In this article, we will learn about those aspects that are not discussed by the critics. Characters of Akbari and Asghari are discussed in a different scenario. Through this article, we will learn about the social values of that era and their effectiveness. This article will help the students of literature to know about it with social aspects.


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Sar-e-Warq: Khat-e-Taqdeer, Lucknow: Danish Mehal, 1965

Irtaza Kareem, Dr., Urdu Fiction ki Tanqeed, Lahore: Jamaliyat, 1997, P:23

Mumtaz Ahmad Khan, Dr., Azadi ke Baad Urdu Novel, Karachi: Anjman Traqqi-e- Urdu Pakistan, 2016, P:40

Nazir Ahmad, Deputy, Mar'at al-Aroos, Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2001, P:13

Majeed Bedaar, Dr., Novel aur Mutallqaat-e-Novel, Hyderabad: Fine Printing Press, 1989, P:14

Nazir Ahmad, Deputy, Mirat-ul-Uros, P:63

Ibid, P:44

Ibid, P:80

Ibid, P:80

Mushtaq Adil, Dr., Pakistani Urdu Novel aur Tabqati Kashmakash, Sahiwal: Farogh-e-Zaban Publishers, 2021, P:34

Nazir Ahmad, Deputy, Mar'at al-Aroos, P:130

Ibid, P:175

Ibid, P:48



How to Cite

"Mar’at al-Aroos": New Recitation: مرأۃ العروس:نئی قرأت. (2024). Tahreer - Journal of Languages and Literature, 2(2), 1-11. https://ssld.org/Journals/index.php/tahreer/article/view/21