Review of Hafiz Mahmood Sherani's Research Style

حافظ محمود شیرانی کے تحقیقی اسلوب کا  جائزہ


  • Sobia Safdar PhD Scholar, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan Author
  • Dr. Zafar Hussain Harral Associate Professor, Department of Urdu, Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan. Author


Hafiz Mahamood Shirani, Style, Critics, Punjab mein Urdu, Criticism, Editing


The world is full of humans of different colors and races. Every human is different from other humans. That is why the curating style of every human is unique. My topic is “Hafiz Mahmood Sherani," who is a writer, historian, and linguist. His two creations are very good. One linguistic research is “Punjab mein Urdu,” and the other criticism is “Tanqeed Shair-ul-Ajam." Sherani is a perfect researcher. He does not just research for the sake of research, but after examining the facts and realities, he presents a new aspect. Although “Sherani’s” style is scientific and research-oriented, it does not feel heavy to the reader. Scientific and research writings are the essence of a researcher’s knowledge. That’s why, despite being scientific and research-based, their style is simple, clear, and fluent. They are generally considered dry, but this is not the case with Sherani. Sherani doesn’t just convey information but presents it in a delightful manner, keeping the element of interest alive. This is the magic of his style. 


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Shirani, H. M. (1966). Maqalat-e-Shirani, Murattib Mazhar Mahmood Shirani. Lahore: Majlis-e-Taraqqi-e-Adab. p. 53.

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Shirani, H. M. (1966). Maqalat-e-Sherani, Jild-e-Dom, Murattib Mazhar Mahmood Shirani. Lahore: Majlis-e-Taraqqi-e-Adab. p. 2.

Shirani, M. M. (1995). Hafiz Mahmood Shirani aur unki Ilmi wa Adabi Khidmaat, Jild-e-Dom. Lahore: Majlis-e-Taraqqi-e-Adab. p. 950.

Ibid. p. 950.

Ibid. p. 951.

Ibid. p. 954.

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Read, H. (1956). English Prose Style. London, p. 35. Bahawalah: Shirani, M. M. (1995). Hafiz Mahmood Shirani aur unki Ilmi wa Adabi Khidmaat, Jild-e-Dom. Lahore: Majlis-e-Taraqqi-e-Adab. p. 994.

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اردو میں غیرعربی حروف کا املائی ارتقا: Orthographic Evolution of Non-Arabic Alphabets in Urdu. (2024). Research Journal Tahqeeqat, 3(3), 167-176.



How to Cite

Review of Hafiz Mahmood Sherani’s Research Style: حافظ محمود شیرانی کے تحقیقی اسلوب کا  جائزہ. (2025). Tahreer - Journal of Languages and Literature, 2(2), 121-130.